FAQ and advices

Our products

How long is the guarantee of your products?

Our products are provided with a 2 year guarantee against any manufacturing defects and under normal conditions of use. Guarantee does not apply to damaged products used or stored under adverse conditions. The user must inform the company or the retailer within 2 years from the purchase date. In case of a manufacturing defect, our quality department will control the product. Returns of defective products or pieces are charged to the user. Once the quality department has given its agreement, de Buyer Company will replace or have repaired the defective products or pieces.

How to order or purchase your products?

We sell our products through retailers. You will find a list of de Buyer retailers in the “Where to buy?” tab.

My pan is suitable for induction but it doesn’t work on my induction hob. What is happening? What should I do?

The diameter of the utensil must be adapted to the diameter of the cooking zone. Indeed, for safety reasons, induction hob manufacturers have provided their appliances with a detection system that recognises magnetic utensils from a specified size. To know the minimum detectable diameter, refer to the user guide of your induction hob or enquire at the induction hob manufacturer.

My pan doesn’t heat my preparation uniformly, the middle heats up faster that the sides. What is happening?

This problem is encountered when cooking on induction hobs. To avoid it and obtain a homogeneous cooking, we recommend you not to heat at maximum heating power. Disparate heating of preparations despite this precaution means that the inductor and the cooking zone are too small relative to the size of the pan (refer to the size guide in the user guide of your induction hob).