for 24 donuts
Difficulty level : easy
Cost : moderate
Preparation time : 20 minutes
Standing time : 2h45
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Warm the milk and add the yeast to it Mix until the yeast has dissolved
Whisk the egg, caster sugar and brown sugar together in the bowl until the mixture turns white.
Pour the flour, salt, butter, oil and the egg/sugar mixture into the bowl of your dough mixer.
Begin kneading at a slow speed and gradually pour in the milk.
Once the dough is smooth and consistent, little by little increase the kneading speed. Knead for 5 to 7 minutes.
Cover the bowl of the dough mixer with a clean, damp cloth. Leave to rise for two hours. The dough should double in size.
Once risen, knock back the dough and separate into 24 equal sized pieces.
Shape them into rings by first forming them into balls then making a hole in the middle with your finger.
Fit the rings into your doughnut moulds (pre-buttered in advance).
Leave to rise again for 45 minutes.
Preheat your oven to 180°C.
Bake the doughnuts for around 10 to 11 minutes. (stick a small wooden skewer in to check they're fully baked).
Once cooled, top your doughnuts with melted chocolate, royal icing, chocolate spread (or similar) or simply sugar.
After a career in industry, Emmanuelle decided to fully commit herself to her real passion — baking for her nearest and dearest.
She created her blog Casserole&Chocolat ( in 2017 and posts all her recipes there. These include sweet and savoury treats and breads, all using a traditional approach and local and seasonal produce. Emmanuelle has a gourmet openness to world cuisine and fills her baking with accents redolent of spices to take your taste buds on a journey.
Emmanuelle has collaborated with De Buyer for several years now, using their innovative utensils in her baking.