
Serves 4

Preparation time :  20 min + 20 min
+ 1 h + 2  hours resting time
Cooking time : 5 min

  • 65 g sugar 
  • 75 g egg yolk
  • 125 g egg white
  • 65 g sugar
  • 70 g flour
  • 70 g cornflour

  • Mascarpone
  • Hazelnut chocolate spread
  • 300g dark and/or white chocolate
  • Decorate as you wish


For the cake
Preheat the oven to 165°C.
Blanch the egg yolks and sugar. Add the flour and sifted cornflour.
Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
Gently fold the egg whites into the first mixture.
Pour the batter into the cake tin and bake for 30 minutes.
Leave the cake to cool and dry overnight at room temperature.

To make the balls
Grind the leftover cake into a powder. For the dark chocolate-covered ball cakes, mix half the cake powder with a little mascarpone in a mixing bowl. Add a little at a time to obtain a smooth, supple but firm batter.

In another mixing bowl, do the same with the other half of the cake powder, but with the chocolate hazelnut spread. Add the chocolate spread gradually to obtain the same consistency. Place the two bases in the fridge for one hour.

Once out of the fridge, scoop out some of the dough and shape into balls about 4 cm in diameter using the hollows of your palms.

Place the balls on a baking tray and push a stick into each ball for the next step.

Place in the freezer for 2 hours.

For the icing
Melt the dark chocolate in a De Buyer bain-marie.
Prepare a small saucer with the decorating sprinkles.
Dip each ball of mascarpone mixture into the melted chocolate.
Turn to distribute the chocolate evenly, remove the excess around the stick and very quickly
quickly sprinkle with sprinkles.

Place the peaks on a block of polystyrene to allow them to dry.
Repeat the operation, melting the white chocolate to glaze the balls with the
Keep at room temperature
Serve with or without the little stick.

The result

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