What pastry recipe for which pies?

What pastry recipe for which pies?

by Jonathan Mougel

Rich shortcrust pastry


  • 500 g flour

  • 375 g butter

  • 100 g whole milk

  • 20 g egg yolks (1)

  • 30 g sugar

  • 15 g salt



Combine the butter and the flour.

Add the egg yolks, sugar, salt and, lastly, milk.

Mix without overworking (without making
the pastry too stretchy).

Leave the pastry to rest for at least 2 hours.

Roll out to 3mm and line the mould.


This pastry is ideal for dishes including quiches, pâté and pies.
It can be rolled out to 4mm thick and can be cooked for long periods.

shortcrust pastry


  • 500 g flour
  • 350 g butter

  • 50 g whole milk

  • 40 g egg yolks (2)

  • 20 g sugar

  • 10 g salt


Combine the butter and the flour.

Add the egg yolks, sugar, salt and, lastly, milk.

Mix without overworking.

Leave the pastry to rest for at least 2 hours.

Roll out to 2mm and transfer to the mould.


This pastry is ideal for fruit tarts, quiches and any savoury or sweet dish.
It can be rolled out between 2 and 3mm thick.
It should be cooked at 180°C in a fan oven.

Sweetcrust pastry


  • 100 g butter

  • 2 g salt

  • 50 g Raw hazelnut powder

  • 50 g icing sugar

  • 40 g egg (1)

  • 200 g T55 flour



Cut the butter into cubes of the same size and mix together all the ingredients without overworking.
Roll out the dough to 2mm thick.
Cook at roughly 155°C.


This sweet pastry is ideal for sweet tarts and blind baking.
For example, it won’t move in perforated circular moulds when in the oven.
It should be cooked between 155° and 165°C for the perfect bake and the perfect colour.

The testimony of Jonathan Mougel

“I’ve used De Buyer products from the very beginning of my career. Their incredible expertise has always satisfied my desire to explore and experiment. We’ve developed together over time, each sharing the same focus on research and innovation. De Buyer turns my ambitions into reality. Their support has always been unwavering, including when I was awarded the prestigious title of Meilleur Ouvrier de France in Pâtisserie and Confectionery in 2019.”
Jonathan Mougel

Winner 2019 of the prestigious competition Best Pastry Craftsman of France, Jonathan Mougel’s pâtisserie is the embodiment of taste, mind and pleasure. Innovation highlights his thirst for creativity, and his mission in R&D for PatisFrance-Puratos for over 15 years has taken him to further his commands, enhancing his passion for research, experiments and discoveries.

Since his beginnings, Jonathan finds reward in teaching pastry. His inner sense of passing on knowledge echoes his values, fulfilling his approach, rising pastry from craft to art.

Gifted searcher, his drive keeps challenging him to unrelentlessly unveiling new horizons to elevate pastry

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