Finishing touches
Finishing touches
Preparation of the Blackcurrant Insert
Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water. Heat the blackcurrant puree in a saucepan over high heat. Drain the gelatin sheets and melt them in the warm blackcurrant puree. Let it cool slightly before pouring the mixture into the insert mold. Place it in the freezer.
Preparation of the Whipped White Chocolate Ganache
Heat 121 g of liquid cream. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Gradually incorporate the cream, mixing with a spatula maryse. Once combined, slowly add the remaining cold cream. Refrigerate the mixture for 6 hours. Place the mixture in the cold bowl of a stand mixer and whip until it reaches a "chantilly" texture. Transfer 2/3 of the mixture to a pastry bag and keep the remaining part in the fridge. Fill the log mold with the ganache and place the unmolded blackcurrant insert in the center. Cover with a piece of génoise cut to the size of the mold and freeze for 24 hours.
Finishing Touches
Divide the remaining whipped ganache into three parts. Add cocoa powder to the first mixture, 100 g of chestnut cream to the second, and keep the third one plain. Remove the log from the freezer. Place the chestnut cream in a pastry bag fitted with a "hair" tip and create a pattern on top. Pipe the three remaining creams using the tube and various tips of your choice according to your creativity. Let rest in the fridge for 2 hours. Enjoy!