Apple pie

Apple pie


6-8 personnes

for a tart mould Ø28cm

Mixture for the apple cake
  • 95g flour
  • 95g cornflour
  • 135g sugar
  • 90g milk 
  • 30 g oil
  • 75g eggs (2 small eggs)
  • 15g baking powder
  • 5 apples
Mixture for the crunchy topping
  • 120g butter
  • 120g sugar
  • 75g eggs (2 small eggs)
  • 1 vanilla pod


Mix together the flour and baking powder, then sieve.
Mix together the sugar, milk, oil and eggs, then add the flour/baking powder.
Pour into the mould and arrange the apples on the top.
Cook for 30 minutes at 160°C (320°F).        

Melt the butter, then add the sugar, making sure it has dissolved before adding the eggs and scraping out the vanilla pod.
Pour over the apple cake then cook again at 180°C (350°F) for 10 minutes.

Remove from the oven and dust with icing sugar.

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